There are a couple of programs coming up this week and next that you may want to check out on the IEEE’s recent intellectual property rights (“IPR”) policy change (see our Feb. 3, 2015 post  and Feb. 5,  2015 post).  Both of these are programs that can be accessed remotely.

ABA Program.  This Tuesday, March 10, 2015 from 2:30 to 4:00pm Eastern, the American Bar Association is having a program entitled “An Analysis of the DOJ’s Business Review Letter.”  The program will be moderated by Koren W. Wong-Ervin of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) with  speakers from the FTC, U.S. Department of Justice, industry (Qualcomm) and private practice.  More particulars and registration information can be found at the ABA website.

IPO Program.  Next Wednesday, March 18, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern, the Intellectual Property Owners Association is having a webinar entitled “The Future of Standards: What’s Next After the IEEE Shift.”  The program will have speakers from industry (IBM and Intel)  and private practice, including our own David Long.  More particulars and registration information can be found at the IPO website.