A couple weeks ago, we noted that Ericsson had submitted a Notice of New Authority in its ITC case against Samsung (Inv. No. 337-TA-862) concerning the USTR’s recent disapproval of the exclusion order in ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-794. In this Notice of New Authority, Ericsson requested that presiding Administrative Law Judge David P. Shaw
Ericsson asks ITC Administrative Law Judge David P. Shaw for an express FRAND determination in Samsung cellular/WiFi patent dispute (Inv. No. 337-TA-862)
By Essential Patent Blog on
Posted in International Trade Commission, Litigation
Ericsson is a company that holds a significant number of standard-essential patents, and often seeks to monetize and enforce them. (They were just awarded infringement damages in Texas, and they’re engaged in an SEP duel with Samsung in the ITC and in Texas). It wasn’t surprising, then, when Ericsson last week suggested a framework for…
PatentMarks Communications asserts that devices transferring files over cellular or WiFi networks infringe newly-issued patent
By Essential Patent Blog on
On June 4, a patent holding company named PatentMarks Communications LLC filed patent infringement lawsuits in the District of Delaware against a slew of electronics companies. The companies accused of infringement include at least Dell, Futurewei, HTC, Kyocera, LG, Motorola Mobility, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and ZTE. (The complaint against HTC [LINK here] is…