This Wednesday, March 21, from 4pm to 5pm Eastern Time, our own David W. Long will present a free one-hour webinar hosted by the Licensing Executives Society (LES) entitled “What Does U.S. Case Law Currently Tell Us About Standard Essential Patent Licensing.”

The webinar will provide an overview of U.S. case law related to licensing standard essential patents (SEPs) that the patent owner committed to license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms (FRAND).  The discussion will include Judge Selna’s decision in TCL v. Ericsson, which is the most recent U.S. decision setting a FRAND rate for SEPs. (see our Jan. 3, 2017 post and Feb. 13, 2018 post on the decision).

Topics include:

  • Understanding how U.S. courts have treated SEPs that the patent owner committed to license on FRAND terms.
  • Understanding how to apply existing general patent law to FRAND committed SEPs as we await more FRAND-specific decisions.
  • Understanding Judge Selna’s TCL v. Ericsson decision and how that decision may or may not apply to other FRAND situations.
  • Understanding differences between litigating FRAND terms and negotiating FRAND terms.

The webinar is free to anyone interested in attending (e.g., you do not need to be a member of LES to attend).  Register using this link.