Yesterday, the ITC issued a notice regarding conclusions of law and corresponding correction showing that no FRAND violation was found in ALJ Essex’s June 13, 2014 Initial Determination that ZTE and Nokia did not infringe InterDigital’s patents alleged to be essential to 3G/4G standards (see our June 17, 2014 post). Specifically, Conclusion of Law No. 10, as corrected, states that “Respondents have failed to show that InterDigital has violated any FRAND obligation.” The Notice is sparse on details, so we must await a public version of the Initial Determination for more information. We further note that the ITC issued a routine notice seeking comment on public interest issues that would be raised if the Commission, on review of the Initial Determination, finds a violation by Nokia or ZTE and issues a limited exclusion order. The request for public comment does not provide any special requests regarding standard essential patents or the FRAND obligation.