On December 30, 2013, InterDigital and Huawei filed a stipulation to dismiss the pending Delaware district court action (13-cv-00008) without prejudice, indicating the parties entered into a “binding settlement agreement and agreement to arbitrate”. The Court promptly dismissed the case.
Yesterday, InterDigital and Huawei similarly moved to terminate the corresponding ITC action, Inv. No. 337-TA-868, with respect to Huawei pursuant to a settlement and arbitration agreement. We anticipate the ALJ will grant the parties’ joint motion, removing Huawei from the case. The 868 Investigation was initiated by InterDigital against Huawei, Nokia, Samsung, and ZTE in February 2013, after a set of corresponding district court actions were filed in Delaware against each party last January. As of right now, Huawei is the only party to have settled-out of this round of InterDigital infringement actions, and Nokia, Samsung, and ZTE continue to defend both the district court and ITC cases.