- Much of the talk in the patent community over the past few days has been about the Federal Circuit’s en banc CLS Bank “decision” — over at IPWatchdog, Gene Quinn has a couple of interesting posts on the case. He wonders if IBM’s Watson computer is still patent-eligible, and also if some of the Federal Circuit judges ignored Supreme Court precedent in their CLS Bank analyses.
- The Supreme Court yesterday handed Monsanto a big win, holding that the patent exhaustion doctrine did not permit a farmer to reproduce its patented “Roundup-Ready” soybean seeds without a license. However, the Court issued a relatively narrow opinion, and refused to extend its holding to all self-replicating patented technologies. (via SCOTUSBlog)
- Patent Progress has a new lead blogger — CCIA Patent Counsel Matt Levy. In a post last week, Matt entered into an online debate that has recently ensnared Techdirt’s Mike Masnick and Patently-O’s Dennis Crouch — Does a recent study show that patents don’t actually incentive or lead to innovation?
- In an interesting column in Forbes, Richard S. Hill, the Chairman and Interim CEO of Tessera Technologies, urges the company’s stockholders to reject a board takeover bid by hedge fund Starboard Value LP that he claims would result in a business model change for the company. Mr. Hill pleads “Don’t Turn My Company Into A Patent Troll!“